Free market alternative to health care
I took these from a Neal Boortz post. I thought they were thought provoking.
- Allow individuals to deduct the cost of their health insurance from their taxable income, just like their employers can right now.
- End all state insurance mandates. If some insurance company wants to market an insurance policy that doesn't cover for the normal costs of childbirth, drug abuse treatments, mental health treatments, obesity treatments, alcohol-related treatments and the like ... then let them.
- Allow people to shop across state lines for their medical insurance.
- Expand the privileges of nurse practitioners. I don't need someone with seven years of medical school and residency to prescribe an antibiotic for a sore throat.
- Charge a minimum of $5.00 per visit to any public health facility ... regardless of income. This will weed out the people for whom a visit to the doctor is more of a weekly social event.
- Require only life-saving medical care to those who are in this country illegally.
- Allow employers to shut out smokers from any company-provided health insurance benefits.