
Key Largo, some politics and such.

Location: Key Largo, Florida, United States

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Exonerate the American soldier

There is a petition on the internet to exonerate the young soldier who offed (wasted) the towel head terrorist. If you think you would like to sign the petition and let congress know that he should be allowed to go and kill some more, well then, sign the petition.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

A conservative canadien blog

I found this conservative blog while sneaking around the internet. I'm sure all my canadien relatives will find it just delightful.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Octobers Jobs report

Some interesting numbers came out of the Octobers Job reports which showed 337,000 new jobs. This is the most in seven months and nearly twice as many as the experts predicted. I wonder what Krugman will say? Nothing worthy that's for sure. Consider this, after totaling the 133,000 added in August and September job growth this year now totals 1.982 million new jobs. There is one more thing, it appears that the government has been undershooting jobs by at least 236,000 for the past year or so. Add that and you get a different picture entirely with some 2.2 million jobs created or about 220,000 a month. If we have two more months of that average type job growth we will have approximately 2.6 million jobs created this year. What's up with that, because during the 2004 election all you seemed to hear is how bad the economy is failing and all the jobs have gone overseas, but it just doesn't appear to be that way.

Jesuslands generosity

Michelle Malkin has a link to very interesting statistics about Americas generosity here. Looks like the red states are more generous than the selfish blue states. Have a look

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Arafat's a fag ?

This just in. It is being speculated that Arafat is dying of AIDS. I guess it has been postulated that Arafat has been a homosexual for some time. Here is a link to the article that has surfaced. Lmao. As much as I dislike this hideous disease, I can't think of a better way for that murderous bastard, thief to go out. Just think of the humiliation. Ba ha ha ha ha.

We won

Whew, what a nail biter eh! But in the end, Bush wins and the win is decisive. I have already read that the AP (msm) is trying to dictate what the country wants him to do with his next four years, but I am sure he is going to do what he feels is best for the country. I have some things that I personally would like for him to tackle.

  • Fix Social security. The one-time Third Rail of American politics is now a vote winner for Bush. Americans pay more than 12% of their incomes into Social Security. The future return on that, especially for those just entering the work force, is awful. Future generations will lose money on Social Security. I have read that this change will be costly. I suggest that they charge a fee to users that want to change although I don't think the government is a good place to be paying fees. I'd be willing to bet that if people had the chance to keep 3 % of their social but out of that 3% they had to pay a 0.1% management fee, thus a net of 2.9% for them to keep, there would be a line out the door to make the change. Just my humble opinion. Here is a county that escaped SS.
  • Fix the tax code. I think a flat tax or some type of VAT is where we should be headed. Neil Boortz has a great breakdown of a VAT type tax that sounds too good to be true, but fun to read.
  • Energy. Drill ANWR this from the ANWR website, tell your friends about this place there is a lot of info. Build some more nuclear power plants too.
  • Judicial branch. Lets see him seat some justices that fit to the ideology that got him elected. Eugene Volokh has some picks here.
  • Fix Iraq. I think that IRAQ needs to be fixed before it gets us into a quagmire. I am glad to see that Fallujah is being attacked today.
  • Finally but not least. He He, I have been warned about my language here, but, I would love to see him tell Jacques Chirac to shove it.

Ok, I am sure that more things will pop into my head, but I think that those are some very big hurdles, that he needs to tackle. Lets wish the president the best of luck with his new term in office.