A site with incredible post IKE photos
I was reading the wunderground weather blog and found a link to some photos post IKE. There was a tremendous amount of destruction on the coast. Go to http://jakeabby.com/cb/ website to see the many pictures.
Key Largo, some politics and such.
I was reading the wunderground weather blog and found a link to some photos post IKE. There was a tremendous amount of destruction on the coast. Go to http://jakeabby.com/cb/ website to see the many pictures.
OK, I finally uploaded this video. It was actually a powerpoint presentation, but blogger would not let me upload a PowerPoint presentation, so I had to turn it into an AVI. I used a free program that is pretty cool and helped me turn the PPS to an AVI. You can get it too at
OK, It does not start playing until 15 seconds into the video. It is the best I could do. I hope you all enjoy it.