Whew, what a nail biter eh! But in the end, Bush wins and the win is decisive. I have already read that the AP (msm) is trying to dictate what the country wants him to do with his next four years, but I am sure he is going to do what he feels is best for the country. I have some things that I personally would like for him to tackle.
- Fix Social security. The one-time Third Rail of American politics is now a vote winner for Bush. Americans pay more than 12% of their incomes into Social Security. The future return on that, especially for those just entering the work force, is awful. Future generations will lose money on Social Security. I have read that this change will be costly. I suggest that they charge a fee to users that want to change although I don't think the government is a good place to be paying fees. I'd be willing to bet that if people had the chance to keep 3 % of their social but out of that 3% they had to pay a 0.1% management fee, thus a net of 2.9% for them to keep, there would be a line out the door to make the change. Just my humble opinion. Here is a county that escaped SS.
- Fix the tax code. I think a flat tax or some type of VAT is where we should be headed. Neil Boortz has a great breakdown of a VAT type tax that sounds too good to be true, but fun to read.
- Energy. Drill ANWR this from the ANWR website, tell your friends about this place there is a lot of info. Build some more nuclear power plants too.
- Judicial branch. Lets see him seat some justices that fit to the ideology that got him elected. Eugene Volokh has some picks here.
- Fix Iraq. I think that IRAQ needs to be fixed before it gets us into a quagmire. I am glad to see that Fallujah is being attacked today.
- Finally but not least. He He, I have been warned about my language here, but, I would love to see him tell Jacques Chirac to shove it.
Ok, I am sure that more things will pop into my head, but I think that those are some very big hurdles, that he needs to tackle. Lets wish the president the best of luck with his new term in office.