
Key Largo, some politics and such.

Location: Key Largo, Florida, United States

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Kerry aids and abets Viet Cong

I just got handed a story the World Net Daily ran today about new documents unearthed that show that Kerry was pushing the North Vietnamese agenda. If the documents are proven to be accurate and not forgeries, I think it could kill Mr. Kerry's chnces of ever becoming president of the United States. The whole story can be read here. Read it !!

I immediately jumped on the net to check to see if Drudgehad gotten a hold of it yet and was running it but found nothing. I decided to hit a few of the better bloggers and found some connections at Michelle Malkins site. She has some other links that I will also place for further tracking of of this potentially hot Kerry destroying story. Look herefor more info and lots of links.And wizbang. And hereand hereand trywizbang.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

A Moving photo blog

I found this bouncing around the internet. I am not sure how I got there or I would give credit. However, this is very moving and needs to be seen. It will help you remember why we are where we are in the first place. Let us never forget what types of terroist slime balls we are dealing with. Have a look, It only taked a few minutes. Pass the site around as a link.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Kerry will sell us down the road

Have you read what is in the "Washington Post" yesterday. This article basically states how Kerry will sell the country to the UN. Here is a small paragraph of what he says.

"Kerry's belief in working with allies runs so deep that he has maintained that the loss of American life can be better justified if it occurs in the course of a mission with international support. In 1994, discussing the possibility of U.S. troops being killed in Bosnia, he said, 'If you mean dying in the course of the United Nations effort, yes, it is worth that. If you mean dying American troops unilaterally going in with some false presumption that we can affect the outcome, the answer is unequivocally no.' "

If you notice this is 1994, not some 30 years ago. Kerry feels that it is OK for Americans to die under the UN , yet the United States is not worth dying for. Put this with the global test and you can see what a Kerry presidency will bring.

There is an article in the american spectator that has a nightmare version of a Kerry presidency. Read it, and let your friends read it, it rains truth and is very very sKerry.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Iraq and truthful polls

Here is a link to a site fro a guy that did some polling and public opinion stuff in IRAQ. The overall outlook does not appear as bad as the partisan media make it out to be.

It appears that he is going to be running some commercials about what is really going on in Iraq and it how most Iraqis are glad that they are working toward a democracy. They could use a donation to help them get the commercials out.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Political Games

Stephen Green has an excellent essay, and I feel I must post it here. It is Italicised.

It's How You Play the Game
Posted by Stephen Green · 14 October 2004
If Drudge has it right, then the Kerry-Edwards campaign is going to do its damnedest to turn our fine nation into a banana republic.

To these guys, winning office is more important than the sanctity of elections. Holding power is more important than the Constitution. Much as I despise at least half of what most Republicans stand for, they don't seem nearly as willing to trash the system they're trying to run. Too many Democrats, especially at the national level, just don't care that our system, our nation is far more important than any single election.

I could mention the Lautenberg Trick in New Jersey. Or Gore's ballot shenanigans in Florida. Or the voter-registration fraud currently going on in Colorado, Nevada, and elsewhere. Or the Democrats' successful call to bring election observers into this country. Bring them in from where, Venezuela? Hey, no big deal sullying the reputation of the world's oldest continuously-functioning democracy, just so long as we can make the Republicans look bad, right?

The rules don't matter. The reputation of the country doesn't matter. The political health of the nation doesn't matter. Power matters.

I don't mean to say that Republicans haven't used dirty tricks, or won't in the future. But I have yet to see them pull anything as crass as replacing a losing candidate with a more-popular one just weeks before election day, and in violation of state law. I have yet to see Republicans calling on the world's most corrupt international organization, run largely by apparatchiks from the world's most brutal dictatorships, to pass judgment on how we run our elections. I have yet to see the Republicans encouraging their own to commit fraud by shouting "Fraud!" where none yet exists, putting at risk everything we've built here in the last 228 years.

Because, in the end, that's what the national Democrats are doing: They're trying, however inadvertently, to destroy the Republic in order to rule it.

Democracy is the free market of political systems. And like any free market, it can't function without some basic level of trust. That trust comes, slowly, from hammering out rules even competitors can live with. That trust comes, with difficulty, by honoring those rules, even when your candidate doesn't win. That trust exists in relatively few places around the world.

That trust is hard to come by – and it's easy to lose. Ask the German voters of 1933. Or the people who voted in Afghanistan's first-ever presidential election last week. Or the people of Iraq, whose lives are, quite literally, on the line as they try to make something decent of their nation.

The system, the trust, is far more important than anything else. It's more important than the White House, or Congress, or Social Security, or jobs, or even the Terror War. Our Constitution is rigged to make it hard for any party to screw things up in the short time of four years. There's always another election around the corner, if you think the current crop of office-holders is screwing things up – that's the beauty of our system.

But maybe there won't be another election, if you cause the people to lose faith that elections work.

I was raised in a very Republican family. The first election I could vote in was 1988, and I voted straight-ticket Republican. But only the one time. I grew up – I learned that my own convictions were more important than party affiliation. I learned that my own estimation of individual candidates was more important than whether they had a D or an R next to their names. Since then, I've voted for a lot of Democrats, including for President.

Now, I know this is an angry essay. However, I don't mean to imply that all Democrats are evil and all Republicans are sweetness and light. Far from it. But for the first time in 16 years, I'm going to vote Republican straight down the line. If I have to punish a couple of local Democrats I'm fond of, then so be it, but I have to try to get a point across: The national Democratic Party is bad for this country.

I don't say that because of their policies, which I probably agree with more than I do the Republicans. But because their tactics would cause more harm to this country than the Federal Marriage Amendment, the Republican budget deficit, and Congress's corporate tax giveaways, combined.

I'm just one guy; I don't expect my vote to mean much. But the Democrats are willing to treat – in advance - my vote, and all it represents, with feigned contempt. So I can't, in return, treat the Democrats with anything less than genuine contempt

Sunday, October 03, 2004


All work and no play make jack a dull boy. A lot of work lately has kept me from my blog, and I know I have many readers anxious for me to blog, lol, so I am going to write somthing.

This is a great economics blog, IMHO .

I am sure you have heard all the hubub about Kerry cheating. I don't doubt it nor am I surprised. What I do know is I really don't want this guy as my president. Here is Kerry licking himself. LMFAO